
Your Ultimate Roadmap To Transform Your Health

Do you want a clinically proven, step by step roadmap to heal the underlying root cause of your condition and reverse symptoms? This program is for you!


Good Option:

BIG Masterclass Recording

  • All the Mastery Sessions with Dr Kan, with the roadmap to heal Brain-Immune-Gut axis and the vagus nerve
  • Access to over 40 expert interviews on the root causes of vagus nerve dysfunction
  • MP4 videos of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • MP3 audios of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • Transcripts of all Mastery Sessions and interviews

Regular Price: $397.00

Your Investment: $297

Better Option:

6 Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 6 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 6 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • Unlock the first 6 training modules with 35 instructional videos
  • 1-year access to over 10 hours of world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recipes, meal plans
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $5,546

Regular Price: $1,500.00

Single Pay: $597

Save $100 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Best Option

16-Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 16 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 16 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • 1-year access to the entire 16 training modules with over 87 instructional videos
  • Over 50 hours of life changing world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recordings, interviews
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $14,768

Regular Price: $3,000

Single Pay: $1,197

Save $200 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Clicking "Purchase Now" will take you to a new window where your payment will be processed. A receipt for your order (from NeuroMetabolicSupplements.com) and further instructions will be sent to your email.

Secure Checkout, 100% 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee


There is a BIG idea that sweeping functional medicine and changing how you address chronic health conditions.

Most people with chronic conditions such as autoimmune diseases suffer from similar symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, depression, short term memory loss, inflammation, chronic infections, food sensitivities, IBS, and gut dysfunction.

The common thread is the connection between brain, immune, and gut.

You may have heard of the gut and brain connection.  But it goes much deeper than that.

There is a Brain-Immune-Gut axis that interconnects all 3 systems, and when one part of the system go down, the other parts suffer as well.

If you struggle with any of the following symptoms, then the NeuroMetabolic Integration Digital program is for you!

Brain Symptoms
Brain fog
Short term memory loss
Immune Challenges
Autoimmune flare-ups
Chronic viral infections
Parasitic infections
Candida overgrowth
Gut Symptoms
Gas and bloating
Multiple food sensitivities

In order to reverse these chronic symptoms, you must treat the root cause and optimize the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis!

Many people in this modern world damage their Brain-Immune-Gut Axis with a ruinous lifestyle, poor diet, exposure to environmental toxins, and stress. Over time, this can lead to the brain, immune, and gut symptoms you may be experiencing.

The good news is there is a science-based roadmap to heal chronic brain, immune and gut symptoms.

After having worked with over 5000 clients with tough cases, I have cracked the code to chronic BIG symptoms!

The secret is how you SEQUENCE the protocol based on PRIORITIES of your body. This sequence gives you a roadmap so you know where to start and what to do next.


I put everything I've learned (through the years of clinical experience and 6-figure investment into my continuing education) into the NeuroMetabolic Integration Digital Program, in order to bring this revolutionary healing model to you.

The reality is that there is only one me and I can only help so many people one-on-one. This is my way of helping you get the best results and benefit from my vast clinical experience and expertise.

  • Are you sick and tired of searching for answer on Dr. Google and online blogs that is not customized to you?
  • Frustrated with wasting time in the Western medical system waiting for a diagnosis and another prescription medication?
  • Tired of spending thousands of dollars seeing natural doctors and taking supplements and not seeing progress?
  • Do you want a clinically proven, step by step roadmap to heal the underlying root cause and reverse symptoms?


Finally! An at-home digital course designed with you specifically in mind, with everything you need in one organized and user friendly portal.

Good Option:

BIG Masterclass Recording

  • All the Mastery Sessions with Dr Kan, with the roadmap to heal Brain-Immune-Gut axis and the vagus nerve
  • Access to over 40 expert interviews on the root causes of vagus nerve dysfunction
  • MP4 videos of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • MP3 audios of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • Transcripts of all Mastery Sessions and interviews

Regular Price: $397.00

Your Investment: $297

Better Option:

6 Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 6 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 6 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • Unlock the first 6 training modules with 35 instructional videos
  • 1-year access to over 10 hours of world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recipes, meal plans
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $5,546

Regular Price: $1,500.00

Single Pay: $597

Save $100 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Best Option

16-Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 16 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 16 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • 1-year access to the entire 16 training modules with over 87 instructional videos
  • Over 50 hours of life changing world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recordings, interviews
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $14,768

Regular Price: $3,000

Single Pay: $1,197

Save $200 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Clicking "Purchase Now" will take you to a new window where your payment will be processed. A receipt for your order (from NeuroMetabolicSupplements.com) and further instructions will be sent to your email.

Secure Checkout, 100% 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

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Does this sound familiar?

You have had symptoms for quite some time. You may be bouncing from one specialist to another, either getting a diagnosis that does not explain what the root cause of your problem is, or getting told that you are a medical mystery and it’s all in your head — and you are referred to another doctor.

Many times, you are prescribed medications you don’t need for problems you don’t have.

Then you try functional medicine doctors and other natural alternative practitioners. After a bunch of fancy lab tests, you are told that you need a basket full of supplements. You have high hopes — but the results fall short because you never really understand what you are fixing.

In desperation, you take things into your hands, and you start to search online and listen to podcasts and summits, trying to piece together information to help yourself.

Now you're even more confused because you keep hearing contradictory information, your supplement list is 20 deep, and you are not sure what is helping and what is not.

You may be taking way too many supplements without understanding your underlying root cause, and moreover, how to address the root cause in a sequential manner — like a roadmap to guide you to your destination.

You no longer have to guess and struggle!

You now have access to the same exact roadmap that I created based on years of experience working with over 5000 clients one-on-one to solve their chronic conditions.

Here is everything you will get with the NeuroMetabolic Integration Digital Program:


Feature 1:

4-month Video Course

Featuring 16 STEP-BY-STEP modules delivered weekly and 50+ videos to walk you through your journey. The course includes self-assessment forms and protocols to help you identify and understand where your symptoms are coming from, and address the root cause of your condition with targeted protocols based on your condition to maximize your result.

Topics Covered:
  • Module 1: Improve circulation and perfusion
  • Module 2:  Balancing blood sugar
  • Module 3:  Brain-gut connection and stomach acid
  • Module 4:  Pancreatic insufficiency and gall bladder health
  • Module 5:  Leaky gut, SIBO, and small intestine health
  • Module 6:  Microbiome health and large intestine health
  • Module 7:  Autoimmunity and inflammation
  • Module 8:  Parasites and viruses
  • Module 9:  Candida and mold
  • Module 10: Environmental Toxins and heavy metal detox
  • Module 11: Functional Neurology
  • Module 12: Brain inflammation and blood brain barrier
  • Module 13: Neurotransmitters, mood, and cognition
  • Module 14: Thyroid and Hashimoto’s
  • Module 15: Adrenal, circadian rhythm, and HPA axis
  • Module 16: Balancing Sex Hormones

$3,000 Value


Feature 2:

2 Weekly Live Coaching Sessions

  • 16 Weekly live group coaching with Dr Kan to help you tailor the program to your specific case.
  • 16 weekly live group coaching with our team of Certified Holistic Nutritionists to help you make the nutrition and dietary change easy and fun.

This is what sets this program apart, the level of support that you receive to make sure you are following and implementing the roadmap to get results. The coaching calls are recorded so you can watch it any time even if you can’t make the live call.

$10,000 value


Feature 3:

Private Learners Community

Post questions, share recipes, and celebrate what is working. Plus, gain access to learner-only exclusive content such as recipes, meal plan, Dr. Kan bonus lessons, Learners exclusive content, and expert interviews. Join a community of like-minded people that are on the roadmap journey just like you for support and encouragement.

$400 value


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Bonus #1

10% discount on professional-grade nutritional supplements

Through NeuroMetabolic Integration online store for the duration of your program. These are the same supplements that Dr. Kan uses to create life-changing results in his clients.

BIG-Program-Bonuses_Artboard 2

Bonus #2

Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve Function and Vagus Nerve Summit Top 10 Transcripts by Dr. Eva Detko

Learn how to stimulate the vagus nerve to improve your health.

$47.00 value

BIG-Program-Bonuses_Artboard 3

Bonus #3

IBS: The Brain-Gut Connection Guide by Dr. Roger Murphree

Natural protocols to eliminate bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel, leaky gut, and other gut issues.

$39.00 value

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Bonus #4

13 Steps To Balancing Brain Chemistry by Dr. Elena Villanueva

Discover the 13 step formula for balancing your brain chemistry without prescription medication.

$25.00 value

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Bonus #5

From Fatigue to Fabulous by Dr. Keesha Ewers

How to work with food effortlessly through easy to make hormone balancing, anti-inflammatory, energy-boosting medicinal food recipes.

$45.00 value

BIG-Program-Bonuses_Artboard 6

Bonus #6

10 Best Supplements for Mold Detox by Bridgit Danner

Cut to the chase with this straight-forward guide, outlining my favorite supplements for detoxing mold.

$15.00 value


Bonus #7

With your 16-week program investment, you will also receive:

Lifetime access for you to the BIG Masterclass, including:
  • 18 Mastery Sessions with the roadmap to heal Brain-Immune-Gut axis
  • 8 expert interviews on each step of the functional medicine roadmap 
  • Complete with video, audio, and transcripts!

$297.00 value


Good Option:

BIG Masterclass Recording

  • All the Mastery Sessions with Dr Kan, with the roadmap to heal Brain-Immune-Gut axis and the vagus nerve
  • Access to over 40 expert interviews on the root causes of vagus nerve dysfunction
  • MP4 videos of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • MP3 audios of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • Transcripts of all Mastery Sessions and interviews

Regular Price: $397.00

Your Investment: $297

Better Option:

6 Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 6 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 6 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • Unlock the first 6 training modules with 35 instructional videos
  • 1-year access to over 10 hours of world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recipes, meal plans
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $5,546

Regular Price: $1,500.00

Single Pay: $597

Save $100 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Best Option

16-Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 16 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 16 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • 1-year access to the entire 16 training modules with over 87 instructional videos
  • Over 50 hours of life changing world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recordings, interviews
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $14,768

Regular Price: $3,000

Single Pay: $1,197

Save $200 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Clicking "Purchase Now" will take you to a new window where your payment will be processed. A receipt for your order (from NeuroMetabolicSupplements.com) and further instructions will be sent to your email.

How would you like to finally have answers and tools to build the transformation you are looking for, step-by-step?

See real Life testimonials from a few of our learners in the program.

Click/tap on each testimonial to view it full screen.


Good Option:

BIG Masterclass Recording

  • All the Mastery Sessions with Dr Kan, with the roadmap to heal Brain-Immune-Gut axis and the vagus nerve
  • Access to over 40 expert interviews on the root causes of vagus nerve dysfunction
  • MP4 videos of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • MP3 audios of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • Transcripts of all Mastery Sessions and interviews

Regular Price: $397.00

Your Investment: $297

Better Option:

6 Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 6 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 6 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • Unlock the first 6 training modules with 35 instructional videos
  • 1-year access to over 10 hours of world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recipes, meal plans
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $5,546

Regular Price: $1,500.00

Single Pay: $597

Save $100 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Best Option

16-Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 16 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 16 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • 1-year access to the entire 16 training modules with over 87 instructional videos
  • Over 50 hours of life changing world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recordings, interviews
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $14,768

Regular Price: $3,000

Single Pay: $1,197

Save $200 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Clicking "Purchase Now" will take you to a new window where your payment will be processed. A receipt for your order (from NeuroMetabolicSupplements.com) and further instructions will be sent to your email.

Incredible value for a limited time!

NeuroMetabolic Integration Digital Program 16-Module Access $3,000
16 Week Group Coaching with Dr. Kan $7,200
16 Week Group Coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist $2,800
Exclusive Learners Community $400
BIG Masterclass Recordings (Lifetime Access) included with 16-week program $297
Vagus Nerve eBook and Top 10 Transcripts $47
IBS: The Gut Brain Connection Guide $39
13 Steps To Balancing Brain Chemistry $25
From Fatigue To Fabulous $45
10 Best Supplements for Mold Detox Total $15

Total Value: $13,868

Special Introductory Price for Entire 16-week program:

$13,868 $1,497

-OR- Get the 6-week program at an introductory price of:

$5,118 $697

Frequently Asked Questions


Good Option:

BIG Masterclass Recording

  • All the Mastery Sessions with Dr Kan, with the roadmap to heal Brain-Immune-Gut axis and the vagus nerve
  • Access to over 40 expert interviews on the root causes of vagus nerve dysfunction
  • MP4 videos of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • MP3 audios of all Mastery Sessions and expert interviews
  • Transcripts of all Mastery Sessions and interviews

Regular Price: $397.00

Your Investment: $297

Better Option:

6 Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 6 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 6 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • Unlock the first 6 training modules with 35 instructional videos
  • 1-year access to over 10 hours of world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recipes, meal plans
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $5,546

Regular Price: $1,500.00

Single Pay: $597

Save $100 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Best Option

16-Module NeuroMetabolic Integration Program

  • 16 weekly live group mentoring with Dr Kan
  • 16 weekly live group coaching with Certified Holistic Nutritionist
  • 1-year access to the entire 16 training modules with over 87 instructional videos
  • Over 50 hours of life changing world-class content!
  • 10% discount on supplements at shop.askdrkan.com
  • 20% discount and priority access on private consultations with Dr. Kan
  • Complete with self assessment forms and PDF handouts
  • Exclusive Learners Community - Q&A, recordings, interviews
  • Bonus #1: Brain-Immune-Gut Masterclass included!
  • Bonus #2: Access to over 20 bonus functional medicine trainings in Learner’s Vault
  • Total Value: $14,768

Regular Price: $3,000

Single Pay: $1,197

Save $200 with Single Pay
Payment Plan Available

Clicking "Purchase Now" will take you to a new window where your payment will be processed. A receipt for your order (from NeuroMetabolicSupplements.com) and further instructions will be sent to your email.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this program is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical conditions. For treatment of your medical conditions, please consult with a qualified and licensed healthcare professional.